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Presentation of the book 'Històries de la Vall de Ribes' in Núria

Time: 12:00 p.m.
Location: Saló de l’Estatut de Núri
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Josep Clara Resplandis will present his book, made up of more than 70 stories.

Next Saturday, October 26, the Saló de l'Estatut de Núria will host at 12:00 pm the presentation of the book 'Històries de la Vall de Ribes' by Josep Clara Resplandis.


Published by the publishing house Gavarres, «Josep Clara, in addition to remembering those people and facts that are better known, always interesting, has wanted to bring to light, as much as possible, voices, experiences and stories of people with views that had never surfaced » (from the prologue by Miquel Sitjar).



The fact of being in an uncomfortable space, between dividing lands of river basins, has led the people of Vall de Ribes to look in contradictory and mandatory directions for certain administrative and political managements: La Seu, Puigcerdà, Girona... Here, however, it is not a question of explaining, formally, the trajectory of the district, by stages and chapters, the history of the territory, but of gathering events framed in the same scenario, which can be read in order that the reader prefers and separately. It is the usual tonic of the collection. This does not mean that the book does not provide unpublished data; there are, of course, excerpts from archives on little-studied topics.


About the author

Josep Clara Resplandis (Girona, 1949) is full professor of Contemporary History at the University of Girona and corresponding member of the Real Academia de la Historia. After studying at the Escola Normal de Girona, he obtained a degree and doctorate in Philosophy and Letters (history section) at the UAB in 1976 and 1982, respectively. He is the author of about forty books in his specialty such as El federalisme a les comarques gironines, 1868-1874 (1986); Esclaus i peons de la Nueva España. Els Batallons de Treballadors a Catalunya, 1939-1942 (2007); Els fortins de Franco. Arqueologia militar als Pirineus Orientals, 1939-1942 (2016); Perseguits després de morts (2018); La Guàrdia Civil. Espina dorsal de l’Estat espanyol a Catalunya, 1844-2018 (2019) o Ramon Vila, Caracremada, el darrer maqui català (2020, 4th edition). He has also practiced journalism and historical dissemination in publications from all over the country.

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